A personal fashion blog. Get inspired, be creative!

‘Styledelle’ is a personal fashion blog, aiming to promote styling tips and ideas. It is dedicated to being an inspiration for you and a unique world where anyone can experience fashion and lifestyle through the lenses of the photography and from a personal point of view!

“What is fashion?” This is a question that many, sometime, have asked others or even themselves. I think that you cannot define what fashion means, as you cannot define what justice, or truth, or heaven are. What you can do to make others understand the meaning of the term is to describe the circumstances in which fashion, or justice, or truth, or heaven exist. There are many views of these terms as each one of us is unique and different, with his own mind to believe what he wants to believe and has his own points of view on fashion and whatever. As Elsa Schiaparelli once said: “Fashion is born by small facts, trends, or even politics, never by trying to make little pleats, and furbelows, by trinkets, by clothes easy to copy, or by the shortening or lengthening of a skirt.” - I really support this quote; I believe in this idea.

For me, fashion is everywhere. It is not only in dresses and shoes. ”It is in the sky, in the streets. Fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening”, as Coco Chanel once said. I am shaped and fashioned by what I like and what I love.

However, for me what matters the most is the style as “fashion fades, style remains”, as Coco stated. Style is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma, instead fashion is something that comes after style. Giorgio Armani emphasized the difference between fashion and style, which is the quality. Bear in mind, that what is in fashion now, at sometime it will become unfashionable and undesirable. In my point of view, the people who just follow the fashion without expressing themselves through a style, are people who do not know who they actually are. NO OFFENCE guys, I’m just expressing my point of view in the matter. I admit it that sometimes I am a fashion victim, but when I am as such, I make sure to be stylish in my own personal way.

I am not the type of person who lives according to fashion, but instead according to a reason. Above all, remember that the most important thing you can take anywhere is not a Gucci bag or French-cut jeans; it’s an open mind.

Written by Andrea Papageorgiou on 19/2/2013
Copyrights reserved.

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