We all remember Carrie Bradshaw from SATC; the shoemaniac we fall for. It's always been a kind of secret dream of ours to be her. What I truly love in her - despite her shoes and style - is her nasty habit of asking herself those inane rhetorical questions. I read them so many time that I almost learned them by heart!
Well, by the end of February, we'll be able to admire and, even buy, the debut of Sarah Jessica Parker's long-awaited shoe line, SJP. The first shoe that was on a preview looks very familiar though. That's the black pointy-toe pump with a Mary Jane-like strap which looks almost identical to the black Manolo Blahnik Mary Janes that Carrie salivated over in the Vogue closet. In addition, Parker commented on her project as such: "We want to offer something different, something that hasn't been available so far".
This similarity shouldn't be a surprise, as Parker said that she intended to get inspired by her past, when she announced the launch of SJP. Not only is she creating the line in partnership with George Malkemus, president of none other than Manolo Blahnik USA, but a blog about the line on Nordstom.com specifically referenced the black Manolos from the famed Vogue closet episode of "Sex and the City". The line hits Nordstrom stores by the end of next month, as I've said above, so for all of you who are interested in buying the SJP shoes, you'd better start readying those credit cards..!
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